Aristotle for women. On the Polish translation of Problemata Aristotelis (Omnes homines) (1535)


  • Marta Wojtkowska-Maksymik


The article contains a presentation of the Polish version of the Problemata Aristotelis (Omnes homines). The author of the translation titled Problemata AristotelisConsiderations Duly Selected from the Writings of the Great Philosopher Aristotle, As Well As Other Wise Men, Both of Natural and Medical Science (Problemata Aristotelis. Gadki z pisma wielkiego philosopha Aristotela i też inszych mędrców tak przyrodzonej jako i lekarskiej nauki z pilnością wybrane) was Andrzej Glaber of Kobylin, a professor at the Jagiellonian University, and his book was printed in Helena Ungler‘s printing house in 1535. The analysis of issues related primarily to women’s medicine and physiology allowed us to determine how Glaber adapted the medieval text to the mentality of a Polish reader from the 16th century, especially women (to whom the text was dedicated).


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