Privacy Statement

Addressed to people that are going to register

This section of the statement is addressed to people that are submitting their personal data in the registration form with the purpose of becoming a registered user and be allowed to give a contribution as authors, reviewers, editors, or any other role on the site Open Journal System installed at Universita’ Ca’ Foscari Venezia in the journal “Philosophical Readings” .

This statement is given in compliance to the Italian regulation section 13 , D.L. 30 June 2003 n. 196 and following modifications, concerning the personal data treatment (that will be refferred to as “Codice Privacy”). By means of this statement the “Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali” (the definition is given next at point 3) let people submitting their personal data in the registration form know how the such data will be used.

1. How data will be used and handled

The data provided during the registration and acquired on the site Open Journal System will strictly be used for performing the basic functions related to the submission, the reviewing, the publishing, and all the other administrative and journal management functions that are implemented in the system “Open Journal System”, and will not be used for any other different purpose.

The data are managed according to all the principles stated in the italian law “Codice Privacy” at the Section 11, including in particular trasparency, correctness, minimality, lawfulness.

The data will be stored and managed with and without electronic devices.
Electronic devices storing and managing data comply with the requirements stated in the supplement B of the “Codice Privacy”, and, particularly, are provided with adequate measures to prevent data loss, to prevent data leak, unauthorized access to data, illegal access and illegal use of the data.

The data are not handled for any different purpose other than those stated above and are not used to track users preferences, and will not be given to third-parties.

2. Compulsory nature of the data

The user is free to browse the journals without being registered. The registration is only required for performing the submission, the review of the articles or have any other management role in the journal.
Therefore, according to the italian regulations “la natura del conferimento dei dati e’ facoltativa”, that is, “giving your personal data is considered as optional”, but refusing to provide the data marked with the asterisk (name, surname and e-mail) in the registration process will not allow the registration to be completed and will not allow to perform some activities, such as submitting or reviewing works.

3. Main people involved in the data management

Following the definitions stated in the “Codice Privacy”, The “Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali” (i.e. the Legal “owner” of the data) is Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venezia.

The "Responsabile del trattamento" (Responsible for the management of the data) are the Journal Managers of the journals.
For the journal “Philosophical readings”, the Journal manager is Marco Sgarbi.

4. Rights of the subject

According to section 7 of “Codice Privacy”, the person whose personal data has been colleted has right to:

  • Obtain confirmation that his data are stored in the system and obtain details about the data stored in a human readable form;
  • Obtain information about:
    • The source of the personal data;
    • Purpose of the storage and how data are managed;
    • Logic applied by the electronic systems for the management of the data;
    • Identification of the Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali” (i.e. the Legal owner of the data), of the "Responsabili del trattamento" (Responsible for the management of the data)  and of the representative stated in Section 5, comma 2, of Codice Privacy;
    • any third parties to which the personal data might be communicated or that may have access to the data;
  • Obtain:
    • The update, the correction and the integration of the data;
    • The deletion, the convertion into an anonymous form, and the lock of the data that have been subject to illegal use, particularly the data that are not required for the purposes for which they have been acquired;
    • The confirmation that the regulations stated at the points a) e b) in section 7, comma 3, of Codice Privacy have been trasferred to any third party to whom data have been communicated or transferred, except the case where this is impossible because of a disproportion between the resources needed to perform this and the relevance of the right being defended;
  • Prevent, partially or totally:
    • Any specific use of the data everytime there are legitimate motivations for requiring this;
    • Any form of treatment of the data that is addressed to sending or providing advertising material, performing direct selling, collecting data for market research or commercial communication.

For requiring the application of these rights, you can contact the “Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali” or the “Responsabile del trattamento dati personali” of the journal.

Addressed to people navigating the site with or without a registration

This part of the statement is addressed to all people navigating the site Open Journal System installed at Universita’ Ca’ Foscari Venezia in the journal “Philosophical Readings”.

This statement is given in compliance with the section 13 of the D.L. 30 June 2003 n. 196 and following modifications, concerning the personal data treatment (in short refferred to as “Codice Privacy”). By means of this statement the “Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali” (the definition is given in the previous section at point 3) let people navigating this site be informed about the use of the cookies on this site, giving information about the types of cookies installed and their purpose.

1. Use of cookies

This site uses cookies for the simplifying and allowing a consistent and efficient  navigation. Users navigating on the site will have small text files called “cookies” installed into directories purposedly created and managed by the browser.

2. Types of cookies used and their source

The site will only use “cookie tecnici” (“technical cookies”, as defined in the Italian regulation), i.e. cookies that are needed to ensure a consistent navigation, such as navigation or session cookies, function-specific cookies and analitics.

- Navigation and session Cookies
Navigation and session cookies are used to ensure a consistent navigation and to handle the authentication/registration functionalities.

- Function cookies
Function cookies might be used to provide additional functionalities explicitly required by the user.

- Analytics Cookies
Analytic cookies are used to collect anonymous and aggregate data concerning the number of users navigating through the site and the pages that they are visiting.

- Profiling cookies
This site does not make use of profiling cookies.

- Third party cookies
This site does not use third party cookies.

3. Cookie disabling

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