La parole dans la cité : Rhétorique, littérature et politique dans la Toscane du XIIIe siècle


  • Johannes Bartuschat


This article examines the works of Bono

Giamboni and Brunetto Latini in light of the wider phenomenon

of the vulgarization of knowledge in 13th century

Tuscany. These authors write for a new type of audience,

laic and urban, and they shape their teaching according

to the social and political realities of urban society.

They give a central place to rhetoric, which they consider

– according to an anthropological conception which

links the faculty of language to the social nature of man –

as the basis of an ethic of civil life. Concerning Bono

Giamboni, the analysis focuses on his Libro dei vizî e

delle virtudi and shows that its allegorical form conveys a

moral and political message, which is intended to be an

answer to the crisis of social order and values. In Brunetto

Latini, his rhetorical teaching in the Rettorica and the encyclopedia

with political aims in the Tresor are completed

by an allegorical poem, the Tesoretto, which puts the

moral doctrine into the frame of a tale of initiation that

exalts the importance of knowledge, the central value for

our authors and for the society in which they wrote.





