Del ir y venir entre el texto y la vida Avatares filosóficos en un barrio popular de Bogotá


  • Carlos Manrique
  • Laura Quintana


This paper attends to the experience of a communal practice of reading that emerged in the 1980’s in a popular neighborhood in Bogotá out of the impulse of liberation theology. Even today, after more than 20 years, the effects are still felt among the community. The practice continues transforming the lives of the people that come together around it. It also gives way to a plurality of practices of care of the self and of others, where a peculiar relation to the transformative potency of “words” has allowed for creative forms of ethical and political experimentation. In this text we respond to our “encounter” with this experience. We explore the philosophical issue concerning the passages between “words” and bodily and affective “practices,” to ask ourselves how to think in this case the transformative force that words can have on life, and the way in which words can become other than themselves in everyday practices. 





