A Study of Philosophical Foundations of 2013 Islamic Education Curriculum in Indonesia


  • Huwaida Tengku-Armia


Philosophical foundation, curriculum, Islamic Education (PAI).


This article provides a thorough analysis of philosophical foundations for the 2013 Islamic Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam-P AI) curriculum in Indonesia. The analysis is carried out to examine and observe some philosophical foundations in the 2013 curriculum, discuss the significance of the philosophical foundations in the 2013 curriculum, and examine the philosophical founda- tions associated with PAI Curriculum. Comprehensive analysis is applied to various documents related to the 2013 Curriculum, the 2013 PAI Curriculum, and several relevant references. Furthermore, the results show that the philosophical foundations of the 2013 Curriculum are perennialism, essentialism, experimentalism, and social reconstructivism. They provide philosophical answers about educational goals, educators and students, educa- tional content, and interaction processes. The philosophi- cal foundation for the 2013 PAI curriculum automatically is the same as the 2013 curriculum, and it just needs to be adapted to the characteristics of PAI.


