Rethinking of Sexual Difference Beyond Binary: A Debate between Judith Butler and Luce Irigaray


  • Arpana Ramchiary


 Can we go beyond binary? By emphasizing this argument, it shall explore the notion of sexual difference that has not been recognized fully in the patriarchal society. It explicates the different sexuality of women and other sex to reconstruct their subjectivity from the psychoanalytic framework.  It also attempts to clarify the argument of sexual difference which is not based on gender difference. Gender difference does not construct the sexuality of the individual as one may have more than one sexuality. As we have seen that lesbian, gay, queer is socially and culturally considered as the problem of identity and gender. These different sexualities are recognized as the outsider in the patriarchal discourse. Their social identities and sexuality are always being blurred, redefined, and questioned. In response to these blurred identities, many sexualities must be accepted as the intelligible identity for the societal norms. It is a fact that some people may have multiple sexualities which are being blurred in our society. Because the inherent sexualities create the limitation among the individual. Thus, to go beyond the binary I shall explore the rest with the debate of both Judith Butler and Luce Irigaray.

(keywords: sexual difference women, body and sexuality, subjectivity, other gender, and sex)


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