Poner la cabeza en las manos del otro: escritura a dúo en filosofía y el caso Deleuze-Guattari


  • Lucas Rimoldi


The work of Deleuze and Guattari exemplifies the successful implementation of the duo writing process in the field of philosophy. In the germ of this phenomenon there is a fascination for something that we believe the other has and can contribute to us, and its two fundamental values are the empowerment of themes that writers find alien in terms of individuality, and the joy that causes it´s practice. This modality unfolds, redesigns and extends the authorial self; there is tension in the sense of stretching or elongation. The most frequent stumbling block stems from the temptation to become the lead author: the pleasure of working together collides with the need or intention to receive individual credit and tension is generated. Regarding Anti-Oedipus and A Thousand Plateus, the following development covers three aspects: the relational conformation of the duo, the method and the convergence of styles and tones.


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