Il circolo soggettivo-oggettivo. Dal limite della cultura del soggettivo alla filosofia dello spirito: il presupposto della libertà soggettiva del regno dello spirito.


  • Rossella Bonito Oliva


In his reflection Hegel identifies the possibility of a "new metaphysics" or "first science" in the thought of circularity between “historical” and “logical”. The cultural situation of his age reflects a time of splitting which is accompanied by the need for the absolute. Therapy is entrusted to thought as an interpretative practice of the present, using criticism as pharmakon. The limit of the culture of the subjective produces in human beings a melancholy estrangement from their own time, leaving the track of gestation of a new world unexplored. Returning to ancient metaphysics starting from the Modern brings into play the translation of the logical into the speculative. The transition from dynamism and richness of reality to the ideal, from the finite to the infinite, from the logos to the idea does not dissolve the knots of resistance of reality, the complexity of the subjective. The circle curves into the spiral that refers to the “historical” to the “logical” and tests the “logical” through the “historical”. The gap produced by the modern awareness of subjective freedom is not irrelevant. All that remains for Hegel and philosophy is to accept the unstoppable progression, immanent to the finite, recognizing that "philosophy" is nourished by philosophizing, that theory starts from praxis and that the philosopher is assigned the moment of the "end of the day”.


